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Main Entrance Window

About Us

St. Cyprian's has been active in Lacombe for 125 years. We strive to be a welcoming community that is empowered by God to grow in faith and share and share enthusiastically the fellowship of the church in the world.

The Anglican Parish of St. Cyprian,
5005 C & E Trail
Lacombe, Alberta T4L 1N5


5005 C&E Trail, Lacombe


Who Was St. Cyprian?

Cyprian was one of the great heroes of the third-century Church, because he guided the Christians in the North African city of Carthage through a period of frightening persecution, until he himself was martyred in the year 258.

He was a wealthy fifty-year-old barrister when he converted to Christianity, and he probably viewed his baptism as his retirement from public service. But the Christians at Carthage decided to exploit his social position and political prestige, and they elected him as their bishop in the year 248.

The next decade proved to be very difficult for the Church in North Africa. The pagan government renewed its persecution of the Church and, on the advice of his presbyters, Cyprian went into hiding for two years. When he returned to Carthage, he had to deal with a large number of people who had lapsed from the faith during the persecution but, once it was past, wanted to come back to the Church. Cyprian refused to slam the door of God’s mercy and the Church’s forgiveness on them, because he understood the weakness of human will and, even more, the infinite compassion of God in Christ. But, by the same token, he was sure that the returning apostates had wounded Christ anew when they took part in pagan sacrifices. So, he opened the arms of the Church to returning apostates, but required them to undergo public penance in order that they might learn something of what it cost to love and be loved by Christ.

Cyprian himself was called to fulfill this love when, early in the year 258, the imperial government began a new round of persecution. He was banished from Carthage, but insisted on returning and surrendering himself. After a brief trial at which he bore unyielding witness to Christ, he was taken outside the city gates and beheaded.

Source: For All the Saints


The Diocese of Calgary

Diocese of
                  Calgary, Deaneries

Established in 1888 with the city of Calgary as its base, the Diocese of Calgary is one of thirty dioceses which make up the Anglican Church of Canada and one of ten dioceses in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert's Land.

The Anglican Diocese of Calgary includes approximately 10,000 Anglicans in 71 active parishes in the southern part of the Province of Alberta. From the Saskatchewan border in the east to the British Columbia border in the west and from the U.S. border in the south to an east-west line running through Lacombe just north of Red Deer, the Anglican Diocese of Calgary encompasses an area of approximately 88,000 square kilometres.

Our Windows

The stained glass windows in the nave of St. Cyprian’s were installed in the 1980s and 1990s. The triptych in the chancel was installed in 1951 after the church was moved to its current location. The central window was commissioned in 1939. The following map locates the windows.

Naming of stained glass windows

Triptych Window (1951, 1939)

The chancel includes a large Good Shepherd centre window (1939). The window is dedicated: “TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND IN PERPETUAL REMEMBRANCE OF FAITHFUL WORKERS IN THE W.A.”

The two smaller windows depict a baptismal font (left) and chalice (right). The former states “THUS IT BECOMETH US TO FULFIL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS.” And it is dedicated: “TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND IN LOVING MEMORY OF HANNAH MARY JONES. FOR MANY YEARS PRESIDENT OF ST. CYPRIAN’S W.A.” The latter states “THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME.” The window is dedicated: “ERECTED TO THE GLORY OF GOD BY THE MEMBERS OF THE W.A. OF THIS PARISH.”

Main triptych

1. Arthur Landeen Window (1987)

Landeen Window

2. Bruce Somerville Window (1984)

Somerville Window

3. Henri L.CM. Fournier Window (1987)

Fournier Window

4.Faithful workers of St. Cyprian's Window (1994)

Faithful Workers Window

5. Will Ironside Window (1995)

Ironside Window

6. Cartwright Family and Friends Window (1995)

Cartwright Window

7. Elliott Family Window (1996)

Elliot Window

8.  Florence Redig and John William McPhee Window (1990)

McPhee Window


Parish Hall Use

The parish hall is used by a few groups and we are open to the possibility of other folks leasing our hall.

The Anglican Parish of St. Cyprian, 5005 C & E Trail, Lacombe, Alberta T4L 1N5